This coming summer

Well, I am excited to be feeling completely normal again. I have found myself increasing my desire to be healthy over the past couple months and have decided to start on a new quest. I am going to call it a quest for the the mountain top. You see I have learned a valuable lesson over the past 9 months and that is that our bodies have an incredible ability to heal themselves if we are willing to lend a hand. So I am on an effort to get back to climbing shape and I will work over this winter to be ready to hike up Mt Adams again this summer as well as one more mountain to be named later. I will probably make a bit of a charity hike out of it to do something nice for Providence Oncology. I am thankful for Mt Adams because most of my strength to fight cancer came from this adventure. I learned the ability to overcome comes one step at a time. It is a lesson that I probably would have overlooked had I not had cancer this year, but now I get to keep it and pass it along to anyone wh...