
Showing posts from May, 2012

Message from Dad

My Dad sent this to me today and I love it and wanted to share it.  Harvey Mackay is one of my favorite leadership writers.  In my life, I have really grown to appreciate my parents way of helping me grow as a person.   I was just thinking about this just yesterday when Owen stopped his bike on a hill and could not get back going again.  I gave him a gentle push and slowly let go and he was off.  I have never felt more pride than I did in watching him climb the rest of the way by himself.  I could care less that I helped him get going, or that he shouldn't have stopped in the first place.  What I care about is that he has the internal drive to keep charging ahead in spite of prior adversity or failure.  My Mom and Dad have always been there to straighten me out, dust me off and give me a gentle push in the right direction.  The rest then becomes up to me.  So my wish is that we may each have something to do that makes us bette...