A kiss on a rose, a final goodbye
The supervisor of the crew operated the large compactor with a degree of control that can only be obtained with much practice. Dressed in uniforms reminiscent of long ago, their dark green pants and light green shirts made me think of how Grandpa probably looked when he was a young man working a shovel in San Diego. The crew worked and operated in a sense of reverent efficiency that would have made my Aunt proud. As I stood there watching the operator compacting this dirt I could not help but think of my Aunt standing in this same spot as a 34 year old mother of four watching this same dirt be placed over her first love. Staring at the beautifully etched stone chosen with the image of the Los Angeles Temple where they made promises to live eternally together. The pain that she must have experienced as she looked at the blank side of that stone. Returning alone to the life they had built together, to a pillow that once held his head and to step forward as a ...