
Showing posts from June, 2013

The Leaves of Change

The sky was beginning to cloud over, the leaves had turned and fallen gently to the ground below.  Summer was over and the crisp mornings of Fall were upon us.  The forecast for rain found me busily working on remodeling our kitchen.  With one frustrating setback after the next, I found myself questioning my ability to finish such a sizable project and wondering why I even started it in the first place.  The little voice inside my head a constant reminder of the consequences of my failure, while offering no acceptable solutions.  My head was hung, my spirit beat as I finished tossing the remnants of our old kitchen into the trailer for yet another dump run. Driving along with the radio off, I was walking through the electrical diagram in my head.  My focus was interrupted as worries of the timeline surfaced, how the drywall, cabinets, granite and flooring would all have come together in the week to follow.  How can I see it through?...