
Showing posts from December, 2020

What is in a Name

  In a simplistic sense our lives are the systematic process of compiling the decisions we make and the results that unfold.   Some decisions are good and others less desirable, some made from virtue and others out of necessity.   Individually these decisions do not seem that important, but aggregated together and compounded over time, these small decisions become a substantial portion of who we are.   As children, we are playable, a blank canvas of sorts.   It is a beautiful thing to see a child on the shoulders of their parent, playing catch in the front lawn or sitting together with their family at the dinner table.   Their growth and development occur as they learn from the decision making of their parents.   Some of these attributes will be developed in recognition of one’s parents and other will be developed in opposition. The good life appears from the outside, to be for the child who grows up with loving parents.   The kind who makes g...