
Showing posts from April, 2024

A Mother's Heirloom

A little girl grows amongst the Mothers. The one of blood and others of choice. She watches, learns and discovers That which it takes to love another. With age comes added pressures, In station, appearance and worth. Outlandish contradictions of value angle to diminish a simple life. To be unique -  a flaw, to love - a weakness To be kind naivety, to follow a virtue. A wandering train without direction, Each car the same, ever following. These are the pressures cast upon, a growing girl in an unfriendly world. It does pass for those who persevere, leaving behind wisdom's understanding, A first test many a Mother endures, as the price of rejecting uniformity. Her arms grow wide, a heart wider still, Her value on virtue, love, acceptance. She stands a mother among the daughters Some of blood and others of choice They see not the scars and bruises, That created the woman before them. They relate not to her journey past, And must too the gauntlet pass. A familial story as old as time, ...

Love Unspoken

To know a love unspoken; That speaks the words that a  mouth cannot utter; That hears a language sans a sound; To feel and embrace the emotions, the push and pull of a physical  melody;  The passion and the faith, the trust and the subtle touch;   A love worth waiting for, not  in search, rather in the perfecting  nature of imperfection;  To love is to give in; To give in is to believe; To believe as a child believes, heart, soul and free; And should this quest fall short, be grateful still and believe a new;  And share again a love undaunted and know again a love unspoken.    Nick Campos - April 2024