All Done!!!!!!!!!!
I have been remiss in updating this blog to inform everyone of my completion. I don't exactly know why, I guess part of it was because I did not want it to end...Ok, that was a joke, and a bad one :) It is most likely because of how busy I have been. The week of my final treatment I was on a plane to Oakland to visit a customer, I followed that up with a Sunday-Friday trip to Dallas. I returned Friday night at 9pm and was on a plane to Spokane the next morning at 6am for the weekend. So needless to say I have tried to get back into the swing of things since the treatments ended. The Doctor said I should take time to rest, but I can't help but think about Tuesdays with Morry when he says, when you are in bed you are dead. It just sort of radiates in my mind and keeps me moving forward...But I do not plan on moving at a pace quite as fast as the past two weeks, but I do plan on living on purpose.
Health: I am still dealing with a sort of jet lag feeling, I think it is best described as lethargy. But with each day it gets a little better, most books say it takes months to get back to your normal self after this treatment. I have started my own shared strength regimen and you are all welcome to join me if you would like, my goal is 15 pushups and 20 situps every day and I will increase 3 per week until I can't anymore. I did this when I was recovering from surgery and I made it to 50 before I fought chemotherapy. I can't help but think that doing this helped aid in my ability to take this challenge in relative stride. So, I give you my sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your strength with me over the past 10 weeks, I could not have done it without you! But I also leave you with a challenge to continue, keep the good times rolling and know that despite the sad reason for the start of shared strength, the joy and love that came from it cannot be silenced.
With all the love in my heart! Thank you all for a job well done.
Health: I am still dealing with a sort of jet lag feeling, I think it is best described as lethargy. But with each day it gets a little better, most books say it takes months to get back to your normal self after this treatment. I have started my own shared strength regimen and you are all welcome to join me if you would like, my goal is 15 pushups and 20 situps every day and I will increase 3 per week until I can't anymore. I did this when I was recovering from surgery and I made it to 50 before I fought chemotherapy. I can't help but think that doing this helped aid in my ability to take this challenge in relative stride. So, I give you my sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your strength with me over the past 10 weeks, I could not have done it without you! But I also leave you with a challenge to continue, keep the good times rolling and know that despite the sad reason for the start of shared strength, the joy and love that came from it cannot be silenced.
With all the love in my heart! Thank you all for a job well done.
Nick - CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy you are done and that you made it through with a positive attitude. I know that you have been blessed and have blessed the lives of all those you shared your story with. I still think you should write a book, cuz it could strengthen those who have to go through what you did as well as put some of us in check who complain without having to go through chemo. You have been an inspiration to me and you have been in my prayers through this whole experience. You are an awesome young man and I wish the best for you and your little family. If you are ever in Salt Lake City, look me up, we can do dinner or something. I would love for my kids to meet someone whom the could look up to and be inspired. I'm sure your parents are very proud of you and your family, cuz your parents are awesome! I love and miss you guys and may the Lord bless you all! Nadean