
Showing posts from 2010

Pregers...The process

Well, I did not blog too much about the days leading up to my surgery. I guess there was just too much that preoccupied me in the fall :) Below I am going to give a synopsis of the events leading up to my surgery as they pertain to having children. But before I start, I will spoil the ending Erin is pregnant with our 2nd and she is at 12 weeks of nausea and fatigued bliss...I feel like I am more empathetic to her plight this time around!! But Erin is a trooper and will get through this swimmingly. So last year before going into surgery my Doctor broke the news to me that my sperm are surely no good and that future children would be very difficult. This was a very difficult time for me as just about 4 months earlier Erin and I had been talking about having another child, but I dismissed it as the wrong time with job challenges in Medford etc...Even though that in my heart I felt that it was the right time. So now, sitting in this Doctors office I felt a overwhelming sense of of ...

This coming summer

Well, I am excited to be feeling completely normal again. I have found myself increasing my desire to be healthy over the past couple months and have decided to start on a new quest. I am going to call it a quest for the the mountain top. You see I have learned a valuable lesson over the past 9 months and that is that our bodies have an incredible ability to heal themselves if we are willing to lend a hand. So I am on an effort to get back to climbing shape and I will work over this winter to be ready to hike up Mt Adams again this summer as well as one more mountain to be named later. I will probably make a bit of a charity hike out of it to do something nice for Providence Oncology. I am thankful for Mt Adams because most of my strength to fight cancer came from this adventure. I learned the ability to overcome comes one step at a time. It is a lesson that I probably would have overlooked had I not had cancer this year, but now I get to keep it and pass it along to anyone wh...