Reflections in the Sand

There is a beach in Northern California that I remember vividly from my youth.  Out of the many beaches that I had the opportunity to enjoy, this one stands as my favorite.  The beach has been historically referred to as "The Dumps."  As you approach, you see a tall cliff side, from which you can stand and take in the serenity of the beach below.  Fully taking it in, you will find it hard to believe that you are standing on the very spot of the old Fort Bragg landfill.  The place where this town once jettisoned its trash, has gone from an eyesore into a beach unlike any other. As I walk along the beach below, pieces of glass sliding between my toes with each step, I cannot help but think to the shaping power of the sea, slowly and ever methodically, sanding the rough edges of these pieces of worthless glass.  Though each stroke of its sculpting brush may seem insignificant, the result that it produces is clearly evident.         

 It is not lost on me why people often choose the beach as a vantage point from which to meditate upon life's difficult decisions, or why I find myself able to sit and watch the waves for hours on end.  There is something peaceful about watching each come crashing in its own unique way, ever churning, ever sculpting.  I am of the belief that the peace lies less in the beauty of the sea, or the many wild inhabitants that call its shores home and more so in its certainty, it is ever present, it is old reliable in a world where it is hard to find anything that one can count on.  A person can leave for years and years, but when they return and gaze with awesome wonder, they see their past, they feel their present and they find hope in their future.

But in time they all too often depart and with each day that passes they forget about the ocean and the principle that it so freely teaches us.  Slowly thoughts turn from how small we are, small as one small shard of glass or a grain of sand; to thoughts of our own strength, independence and capability.  Perhaps for some we become more like Narcissus, the young man who was born with incredible beauty and an ego to go with it.  Along his path of life he left scorned lovers and friends, his beauty captivating all.  One day while walking through forest Narcissus came upon a small pond.  He gazed down into the water and fell in love with his reflection.  He laid gazing fully at this beauty before him until finally his infatuation reached a climax and he reached out.  Grasping only water, it was then that he fully realized that this was merely a reflection.  The one thing he longed for was just a mirage.  He was so overcome with sadness at learning for the first time in his life the reciprocal of the unrequited love that he so freely gave, took his own life along its fertile banks and became a narcissus flower.  Later when a man came walking along he came upon the pond and heard it crying.  The passer by asked, "what is the matter?"  The pond responded that it misses looking at the beauty that it once knew.  Thinking that the pond  must be referring to Narcissus, the man inquired further.  To his dismay the pond new not of the beauty of Narcissus but rather missed seeing it's own beautiful reflection in the eyes of the boy. 

How often do we get caught in youthful indulgences, caught up in our own needs, boastfully seeking out ponds that deliver only the mirage of true ever-lasting happiness.  Forgoing the steadfast nature of the master as he refines the jagged edges of our lives and our relationship.  All for temporary satisfaction in the emptiness of shadows and loneliness.  With each moment gazing selfishly into the pond, we forget that much more, the righteous goal that we once sought.  In time, just looking no longer satisfies and we reach out only to find our cup empty.  Realization occurs that as a result of our impatience and insatiable appetite for wants, that we have sold our potential for a handful of dirt.  Perhaps at this moment we return to our original path and overlook the place where we once stood steadfast.  Looking down, it feels like we no longer belong, as if there is no process back home.  Perhaps, our choice is impeded by the thought of losing certain freedoms to make choices of no worth or thoughts of guilt for being beguiled by a mirage.  But whatever the excuse may be, they are all internal, because the sea always welcomes us back.  As is the case with each visit, our edges will once again me made smooth, our purpose more clear.  Our shape may be different as a result of our experience, but our value will be none the less.

Stay true to your truest journey, walk beside people of great value and forget not the well spring by which all good comes to pass.  You are always home there, if relationships have become disheveled and feelings harmed along the way.  Stand knowing that wounds can be made to be seen no more.  Stand true to your spouse and picture yourselves wrinkled and gray sitting atop the porch of the home that you share.  You may be different in shape and appearance from when you first met, but you will be no less beautiful to the eyes that gaze upon you most.  Through the eyes of your spouse comes a love for you of great worth and value.  Love your parents, whether living or dead, live worthily of the last name that you inherit, do not tarnish it or break the chain.  Hold true to those values that they taught you.  Love your siblings, sometimes they are the ones we want to leave most quickly.  But if held onto they will be a source of great happiness in your life, hold them close and forgive them in their faults and seek their forgiveness in yours.  And lastly, leave the past in the past, the ponds of reflection would love to guide you to a belief that you can relive your past when you most surely cannot.  For the past is gone and the only thing that ever matters is what you choose to do next.  And in later retrospect you may find that your life looks like a beach, a beach not like any other.   
