Land of Rising Tomorrows


I miss those I have lost along the way; I miss the way they smelled, smiled, angered, and cared.  In my youth I knew nothing of time, I had more than I wanted or could comprehend.  In a land of rising tomorrows another opportunity is just ahead.  As those individuals passed, I grew frustrated in my choices and my priorities.  Opportunities missed are now my burden to carry.  Just one more memory is now but a mirage.  As I grew into my own family, years of life stood before us, a land of rising tomorrows once more.  But each stage is fleeting in a growing child and the burden of choice begins anew.  As time passes, they grow, they change and develop, they are beautiful to watch in their own unique ways.  As they do, I celebrate their blossoming as a person and mourn the loss of the part of them that required me so dearly.  They are growing into a land of rising tomorrows of their own.  I will still carry a lifetime of opportunities missed of value to nobody but me.  But I find great joy in celebrating their opportunities fulfilled.  For, it is in them that I will always hear the echo of all the ones that I miss along the way.


The Shadow of The Glass

As sand slips through the hourglass,

The flow is strong and true.

Moments of waste and beauty,

Moments of joy and worry.

Memories that never fade,

I know each grain by name.

As I sit in the darkened shadow,

Its promise of more to come.


The sand steady through the eye,

I think of the flow no more.

Moments of steady plotting,

Moments invested on tomorrow.

Memories they pass and settle,

Over grains I knew by name.

As I sit in the darkened shadow,

Its promise of more to come.


Sand seems hurried as they pass,

The flow is all I think about.

Moments of yesterday buried,

Moments of what is still yet to be.

Memories are dull replacements,

Of the vivid grains I knew by name.

As I sit in the lighted room,

It’s certainty of what is to come.


Nicholas Campos January 2022
