Flood Tide

To be with you is pleasure, even though time together can sometimes become routine.  The magic hides well in the mundane and ordinary.  But your love is extraordinary in a way that words cannot describe.  As each of us must face our own insignificance, in a world that's made to forget. I find myself cleaving to the memories, passionate kisses, children's small voices and animals past.  The sadness, failures and illness are the trials that test and strengthen the bond.  Like a ship at sea, we bounce, rock and jolt in the unforgiving waters.  From hands up in excitement to holding on for dear life, we float along together.  Life is spent between low tide and high tide, we make our marks in the sand and cast about worried about the marks of others.  To live simply is best, but the pressure is to be different, unique and one of a kind, by being just like everyone else.  Our love is not fit for the free press, it is rocky, bumpy and filled with bad directions.  Yet we often end up right where we are supposed to be. But in time, the tide unrelenting will flow and wash away our castles in the sand.  To live is to lose, to love is to know pain, but in both comes the greater understanding of why.  So I cleave to you, our bond never stronger, my mind never clearer.  Our weakness fitting strengths like intricate puzzle pieces until is impossible to discern one from the other.  Pleasure is not the absence of pain, as pain is simply the blank canvas from which pleasure becomes a possibility.  My safe harbor in times of strife, it is you that I so freely give my heart, that the seas may echo our love long after the high tide ebbs.             
