Fleeting Nature

On the trail of life there are no u-turns

It neither speeds up nor slows down

It simply plods along in the mundane

Until moments of joy and sorrow come

And awaken it's true fleeting nature

That life is certainly not everlasting


I look out from the mountain climbed

And see another mountain yet to go

Those down below, I think of them

And find my own trials recounted

"Don't give up" I silently whisper

A rally cry as much to me as another

I see those who come out of nowhere

Seemingly starting where I am now

In them, I see confusion and energy

Robbed of pain and ensnared by glory

Yet, I feel a familiar tinge of jealousy

The vantage, the energy nie the pain

Is to achieve without achievement

all in vein or is it success all the same?

In the distance those who passed by

There steady plod faster than mine

A mirage of my own imperfection

A constant diet of what I still lack

It is that criticism laid upon oneself

It cuts the deepest and most perfectly

I find myself gently into the clouds

Can neither see ahead nor behind

Just a lone foot planted ahead firmly

I see the rock, the bug, a new world

Each new step bringing a new picture

Of that which sight is truly created for


On the trail of life there are no u-turns

It neither speeds up nor slows down

It simply plods along in the mundane

Until moments of joy and sorrow come

And awaken it's true fleeting nature

That life is certainly not everlasting


Nick Campos July 2024
