
Showing posts from November, 2024

Skeleton Town

A life is a vessel Like the ships that enter safe harbor A unique personality each their own Fiction more interesting than fact For small boys on the shore We throw rocks Same shores as we always have Splash, in all our silly games Killing time with no winner Cold hands on cold rocks We know the facts Those trivial facts of life This harbor is our birth right And in death shall be the same The shores have gravity We talk a lot Stick ball in the big leagues Adventures over warm seas Take away the winter chill As we dare believe The horn blows Quitting time for the laborer A fleeting joy for those few souls Who used to be called shore boys Who we just call Dad   The smell is ripe We hate the pungent odor They say a scent of money Success brings a family pay For a fortunate few We wander home The row houses lined straight Until we each reach our own And soon I walk all alone Holes in my shoes It smells the same But the house feels different Head down and eating slow Not a word is spok...

Nature's Touch

The day drifts steadily to night A valley of sun drenched grass A large sun dial of daily fight To stand and see it come to pass  The crickets serenade the dew And a finch sings favorite song A welcoming sounds for a few After quiet night sans a throng A grove of trees standing guard As the sun reaches over mid day The quiet sentinels of this yard The palace of respite and shade The frogs croak their farewell As the sky turns an amber hue The owl hoots and all is well For the life before day anew A lonely valley I might say Had not seen magic wonder Of things of home and play For those we not oft ponder Nicholas Campos - November 2024

Winds of Change

I cry to the winds of change  Asking for gentle relief To ebb the flowing tide To change the river's course   I cry to the winds of change Gratitude for good fortune To fly without wings And live above the rains   When the winds flow in favor I feel heard and with you When the winds turn wrong Abandoned and alone I walk   In my wisdom I am sure A proper course evermore That I a God for just a day Could proper justice place I cry to the winds of change Just a moment to be heard In silence they did yield A world completely still I shared my facts and figures A quest of right and wrong Change course I implore My routes a truer way The breeze blew gently by Resting passions tongue Ruffling a branch nearby A falling leaf in open hand Then came gentle whisper I have crossed the seas And moved the clouds To make my way to you I have known you all along Spinning freely as a child Throwing leaves in the air No matter the way they go The moment new eyes met I touched her flowi...