Winds of Change

I cry to the winds of change 
Asking for gentle relief
To ebb the flowing tide
To change the river's course
I cry to the winds of change
Gratitude for good fortune
To fly without wings
And live above the rains
When the winds flow in favor
I feel heard and with you
When the winds turn wrong
Abandoned and alone I walk
In my wisdom I am sure
A proper course evermore
That I a God for just a day
Could proper justice place

I cry to the winds of change
Just a moment to be heard
In silence they did yield
A world completely still

I shared my facts and figures
A quest of right and wrong
Change course I implore
My routes a truer way

The breeze blew gently by
Resting passions tongue
Ruffling a branch nearby
A falling leaf in open hand

Then came gentle whisper
I have crossed the seas
And moved the clouds
To make my way to you

I have known you all along
Spinning freely as a child
Throwing leaves in the air
No matter the way they go

The moment new eyes met
I touched her flowing hair
But you noticed me not
Lost deep in that present

Our wants are poles apart
You want a path controlled
A destiny clearly outlined 
Without change unplanned
While I want you to spin
Dancing in flying leaves
Awakened to possibility
Of the journey of change

Nicholas Campos - November 2024
