My Treasure

My Treasure Penultimate

I have truly received
a precious gift sincere.
It be not rare or shiny
and is always around.

My treasure penultimate

Fail and fail again,
no strength left.
It stands me upright
breathing air of hope.

My treasure penultimate

It whispers try, try,
try as a child tries.
The past it knows well
yet it believes anyway.

My treasure penultimate

When success is found,
it stands aside in grace.
I cheer, I did it, I did it, 
look what I have done.
As the moment fades,
and the cheers subside.
I remember time again,
what really got me here.

My treasure penultimate

A grudge not held,
a gift not restricted.
A desire just to give,
example of true grace.

My treasure penultimate

Teach me, teach me, 
to be more like you.
To accept the failure,
and love like you. 

My treasure penultimate
The gift is a journey,
pain and joy our guide.
The reward is knowing,
where peace resides
Nick Campos 2023

