
We are now cruising through week number 4 on our journey and this is one of the big ones for me. It has gone suprisingly well. But, I am getting ahead of myself, week 3 finished up last week and I felt great. By the end of Sunday evening I was back to myself, despite the significant loss of hair. My hair started to fall out on Tuesday while I was in the shower, it was a very unique experience for me. By Thursday it was all over my pillow, but due to my fine hair it was hard to notice that it was thinning. By Friday I shaved it down to the lowest level on the clipper set. This made the itchiness increase so Erin took the razor to my cranium. I have been told that I have a rather good shaped head, which is suprising because when I had hair and felt up there it always seemed to be full of bumps and crevasses. That being said, it still is in need of a little sun, but I can't blame my scalp for being pale I have kept it covered for 27 years.

Outside of that I went and played golf on Saturday and that felt good, I carried my own bag and felt good about my endurance. But what I felt most inspired by are some of your stories that I have received, wonderful stories of being 4 weeks without a cigarette and shedding 10 pounds off of your back. These are wonderful inspiration for me and I am so thankful for your willingness to continue on this journey with me.

I titled this entry wildfire because it seems to relate to the medication that I am on. A wildfire is by nature uncontrollable and causes severe destruction and pain. But out of a fire also comes rebirth of the land, with stronger soil and unrestricted access to sun, a new forest soon sprouts to life. This is the journey for me, 9 weeks of wildfire attacking my body everywhere for the opportunity for new soil and a healthier forest. (And no, I am not talking about my hair) So my motivation this week is to continue to focus on the rebuilding effort that we are on. We have endured pain and time challenges, but we have labored on in unity. Have a great week 4, at least what is left of it and I will be more timely with my next update.


  1. Hi Nick - I'm glad you are doing so well thus far. What a great attitude you have during a time where you can either let the disease control you or you control it,and it sounds like your disease will not have a chance, because you will kick it's butt. Again, I look forward to your weekly updates and as I struggle with my own daily adversities and I think to myself how selfish I am and that I need to change my attitude and look at these adversities as making me a better person and not let them weigh me down. I hope you have a good week 4 and just think, after next week you will be on the downhill. Love you lots, your cousin, Nadean


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