Poker Face

When the chips are down
and there is no on around.
Staring at the empty shelves
Oh the lies we tell ourselves.
As we await the bye and bye.
When our ship comes home
and we conquer the throne.
The person everybody sells
Oh the lies we tell ourselves.
As we await the bye and bye.
Looking down on the jokes
No account worthless blokes.
Their plight worst than hell's
Oh the lies we tell ourselves.
As we await the bye and bye.
The limelight fades in a flash
but want of praise like a rash.
One can't scratch themselves
Oh the lies we tell ourselves.
As we await the bye and bye.
The hourglass flows for all
and soon the season is Fall.
No time to ponder on realms
Oh the lies we tell ourselves.
As we await the bye and bye.
The sun fades dark and bitter
bringing with it lonely Winter.
A poker face hides all tells
Oh the lies we tell ourselves.
As we await the bye and bye.
Nick Campos  -  March 2024
